✨ Get Ready for a Time of Abundance

If you feel like you are still processing the effects of the recent full moon lunar eclipse, then hang in there - the eclipse was rather intense, especially with astrological points possibly being triggered such as the South Node (which relates to our past actions or karma), not to mention it being opposite Uranus, a planet connected with producing outcomes that may not be what we anticipated to them to being.

✨On 16th May Jupiter (the Great Benefic) enters Taurus. This transit is considered to be one of the more important ones happening this year as it could very well indicate that something in your life is about the change. To get a better idea of what this “something” is, look at what house is ruled by Jupiter in your natal chart (you can get a free one from (Astro Dienst, Cafe Astrology, etc) to get an idea of what see what area of your life could be effected.

As Jupiter is the planet of growth, expansion and abundance, the sign it transits through indicates that where we want to experience growth and abundance. With Taurus being connected with material possessions, financial growth and the desire for comfort and stability, Jupiter in Taurus may encourage us to take practical steps towards achieving goals, especially in relation to finances, material stability and personal values.

✨Jupiter’s ingress into Taurus resulted in it being squared to Pluto at 0 degrees of Aquarius. As mentioned above, Jupiter is the planet of expansion whereas Pluto is connected with transformation. When planets are square to each other, this can be rather intense as it indicates change. Consider your desire for material growth with respect to your spiritual transformation and transcendence. Are your goals a reflection of your highest truth, or ego consciousness?

Keep in mind that sometimes we reject material abundance due to personal limiting beliefs and a scarcity mindset, or the perception that status symbols are merely a compensation for a lack of self-worth. As such, Pluto maybe asking you to consider your perceptions and beliefs around personal values, and in particular, those related to material abundance.

✨Finally, on 20th May here in Adelaide (or earlier on 19th depending on where you live in the world) we have a new moon in Taurus (at 28 degrees). This new moon is rather auspicious due to it being in harmonious aspects with Mars (in Leo), Neptune (in Pisces) and Pluto (in Aquarius). With Mars entering Leo, you will find it easier to connect with your heart centre (anahata) and as such, act from a place of truth and authenticity, making it easier to feel like you are more in tune with life. I will be making available a video about this upcoming new moon in my YouTube channel soon.