Deep Healing Sessions for Your Soul


Are you wanting to make the most of opportunities as they present themselves to you or are you still chained to the past?


If your desire is to:

:: FREE yourself from phobias and anxieties.

::Remove limiting beliefs from your life.

:: Stop self-sabotaging thought patterns preventing you from achieving your goals.

:: Transform your Dreams into Reality.

:: Obtain Clarity and a Sense of Direction.

:: Eliminate from your life the Root Cause of issues that are currently holding you back …

Then maybe you should consider signing up for my REBOOT YOUR LIFE soul healing package in order to remove any unwanted negativity and restrictions that have been lingering from the past, and get on with your life.


If you are seeking a deeper lasting change, sign up for a three month package
and receive a tailor-made combination that will also include a
complimentary oracle or tarot card reading for guidance.


While conventional therapies focus on your current life, they may not be able to address the true root cause of the problem if it stems from a previous life, or a memory during gestation. This is where my REBOOT YOUR LIFE soul healing package can help.

Utilising an assortment of healing modalities and coaching techniques, over a period of three months we will access the underlying limiting beliefs that have been locked away in your subconscious mind, bringing them out into the forefront, in order to free you from their emotional hook that has been controlling your life. 

What makes my REBOOT YOUR LIFE soul healing packages unique is that I focus on reconnecting to the disconnected aspects of your deep soul self.  Therefore, when you are able to reconnect with this part, healing on a deeper soul-ular level can occur. This form of healing can result in profound personal changes.

Each soul healing package is specifically tailor-made to your own personal requirements and desired outcome.  As such, it can include the following:

Hypnotherapy, past or future life regression, time line therapy, soul retrieval, energetic healing (including Usui Reiki, Seichim, Pellowah, or a combination), auric cleansing, chakra balancing, emotional cord cutting, parts integral, life coaching, spiritual journeying … and much more.

Available via Zoom or in Person


Each REBOOT YOUR LIFE soul healing package will include:

:: One x 30 minute complimentary Discovery Session in order to ascertain what services will best help you achieve the results you desire.

:: Four x 60 minute personal sessions, held bi-weekly (preferably to ensure maximum results) that will include a combination of any of the services listed above.

:: One x 45 minute follow-up Recovery Session to provide you with suitable tools for integration of any emotional or other shifts that may have occurred.  This session will also provide the opportunity to properly assess where you are at now and whether additional services are require.

You receive a Spiritual Guidance Plan detailing notes of all regression sessions, suggesting suitable crystals, essential oils, meditation and breathwork practices, or simple exercises to further assist with and enhance your soul transformation and integration process.

You will also receive a $20 discount off any oracle or tarot card guidance reading
(to be utilised within six months from commencement of the package)


Cost: $444 AUD.  Payment plans are available.  A non-refundable deposit of $150 AUD to be received prior to the commencement of any REBOOT YOUR LIFE three month package.

Not sure whether a REBOOT YOUR LIFE soul healing package is suitable for you, then book a complimentary 30 minute Discovery Session with me.

Single Reboot Your Life sessions are
also available.

REBOOT YOUR LIFE single sessions are also available if you are interested in trying a particular therapy.

These 45 minute sessions are more suitable for the following therapies:

Hypnotherapy, past or future life regression, time line therapy, soul retrieval, parts integration, life coaching and spiritual journeying

The cost of each REBOOT YOUR LIFE individual session is $99 AUD.

You can book your REBOOT YOUR LIFE session here to be held in person or via Zoom: